Vegetarian and Vegan Senior Nutrition Guide offers Health Benefits of Following a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet and more
A Practical Guide to Travelling as a Vegan, or with other dietary requirements. Check out this website that offers guidance to travel successfully while vegan.
How to Inspire Your Children to Eat More Plant-Based Foods Persuading kids to try new foods is a struggle many parents face — and when the foods are healthy, it can be a downright battle! Learn more by clicking the header.
A Guide to Eating a Plant-Based Diet If Iwe could make a single dietary recommendation to people looking to get healthier, it would be to move to a plant-based diet. Learn more by clicking the header.
Easy Ways to create a Vegan and Cruelty-Free Home Living a vegan lifestyle can be challenging, yet it’s also extremely rewarding. When you think of being vegan, your mind likely goes immediately to your diet and the things your body consumes.
Lancaster Farm Sanctuary whose mission is rescuing farm animals and providing them sanctuary; inspiring humans to live with honor, respect and appreciation for themselves, the earth and the other beings with whom we share the planet.
Their core values are ahimsa (non-harming), satya (truth telling), and asteya (non-stealing).
Animal Advocates of South Central PA
A grassroots group advocating for animals by promoting veganism as a compassionate and ethical lifestyle that also benefits human health and our global environment.
Seasonally chic • Seductively wholesome • Garden to plate nosh. Phoebe hosts a raw/vegan/vegetarian potluck in Wyomissing and she has an ezine that is 90% vegetarian, and has been blogging vegetarian recipes for a bit now. Check it out,
All the most fun and informative blogs and sites covering vegan diet, hormones in food, and all the advantages of having a vegetable rich diet. Basically all info that anyone with a vegan or holistic conscious lifestyle would find useful.
This is a great site from Mercy for Animals especially for a newbie. It’s bright and colorful and offers all the reason why to go veg with recipes, too!
As the name indicates this site emphasis is Fat-Free Vegan recipes and may arguably be one of the best sources on the web for healthy plant-base recipes.
This is the website of the magazine with the same name and they proclaim that they have “the world’s largest selection of vegetarian recipes”.
This is a sister site to VegNews magazine and contains thousands of great vegan recipes and a bounty of other vegan info.
This site has a lot of videos on how to prepare plant based cuisine.
Compassionate eating guide. Veg & Vegan options near you. Get the app for your device.
The Vegan Street Kitchen is now a blog with lots of cool vegan stuff including recipes.
9 Reasons Why Going Vegan Is Better For The Environment No exaggeration. Veganism can save the world. Just ask the UN. The question is: are you brave enough to become a vegan?Learn more by clicking the header. Learn more by clicking the header.
A Healthy Living Guide to Veganism All about Veganism with links to recipes and more.
A Vegan Diet Saves A Lot of Water
This is brochure that LVS used for the Lancaster Vegfest in 2018 & 2019 concerning the amounts of water that are used to produce animal products verses amounts used for raising plants.
Friendly support 25 hours a day, 8 days a week for a healthy vegetarian lifestyle.
A non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on vegetarianism that has been around for 25 years. Tons of info on their site.
Produces Vegetarian Summerfest & provides abundant information on vegetarianism.
A nonprofit educational membership organization teaching a compassionate way of living that includes veganism.
The vegan cookbook author Dreena Burton’s website with tons of great vegan recipes.
VEGAN. For the People. For the Planet. For the Animals If you have someone that needs some convincing about choosing a plant-based diet this video is all you need. It’s less than 12 minutes long but it is a masterful explanation of why you should not eat animals.
Your Online Guide to Vegetarian Restaurants Around the World
Everything that you need to know about GMO foods and why you shouldn’t eat them.
The Vegan Chef, the Internet home of chef & writer Beverly Lynn Bennett
This is Dr. Michael Greger’s site that is filled with tons of facts about nutrition. Dr. Greger works for the Humane Society of the United States is known for his relentless search for nutrition facts.
#1 choice in vegan shopping.
Been hearing about the health and environmental benefits of veganism, and want to give it a try? This guide will teach you everything you need to know. Although a Vegan Meal site if you care to partake, the page linked provides good un-biased information.